The duo will also be featured in the opening episode of the show, which will be available to stream on Netflix on March 17. The series features a diverse cast of gay and transgender actors and directors, including John Leguizamo, who will be voicing the main character in the series alongside his husband, Paul Feig, and writer and director Paul Dini. “This is a momentous day for LGBT equality, as we celebrate the very first day of Pride Month with a series that celebrates our history and culture and celebrates our people.”
“The best gay animation on Netflix is now available to watch,” said Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who also co-founded Amazon Studios and Amazon Prime Video, the company that will be streaming the series. The first episode will premiere in February 2018, with episodes continuing to air throughout the month. The show will follow the exploits of a gay couple who live in Tokyo’s Shibuya district as they pursue their dreams to travel to the United States, as well as the lives of the other characters who have the opportunity to travel and meet other gay and lesbian people. The series will debut at the beginning of March and will premiere on the streaming service in March. The best anime on Amazon is coming to Netflix in March 2018, bringing us the first season of the series, The Best Gay Anime on Netflix, to celebrate LGBT Pride Month.